
Thursday, August 31, 2006

I LOVE the Les Choristes!!!!

The show is so damn sweet! ARGH!Can't get enough of it!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I will not talk about my results. Call me blase, whatevahhhhhh, but simply, alea iacta est. The die had been cast. No point crying over spoilt milk.

Before I forget, did anyone catch the 'Life Stories' today? The boy looks none like Mr Ong. It was really hilarious. The face was like really similar-even the voice, at times! Anyway. There's no point in doing all these. It'really redundant. These people, not poiniting any fingers, simply cannot comprehend the ways to be civilised. I swear, they must be living in the sixties or something. Money? You want money? Go and STUDY! Who on earth steals for money nowadays?! Nothing can simply enter that thick skull of theirs. What's worse, they're bellicose and pugnacious. I swear, fighting really doesn't help lest you have a whole barrage of bombs. Diplomacy and Deterrence.

Another thing I absolutely cannot stand is Singlish. Yes, it is unique to our Singapore, yes, it makes us who we are, but can you just put off that patois for a while?! I had the experience of riding a Mercedes Cab this morning. Bad Language. He was practically screaming down the phone! He was like talking in Singlish. He complained to us that the previous passenger or whatever had left their keys in the cab, he was like "He SAHBO me you know. What happened if their passport is lost? Then I in trouble. Sahbo ah, all these people." He did know the word concierge, though. This driver would be doinga serious faux pas if he's having tourists in his taxi. The strange thing is, he can even mention that he's preparing for the IMF!! What happens if some John Bull of a tourist hopped in his taxi and he blabs off in Singlish? The tourist would be like "What the blazes are you talking about, good man?" He'd be caught in that ignimonious situation and'll paint a bad bad picture on us.

Damn the Singlish.

Monday, August 28, 2006



Oh my gosh. Siti's wedding is like really LAVISH!!! After all the milions spent, it's really GORGEOUS! Anyway, this two hosts are stupid-they ruined the whole show with such boooooring commentary and bloody puisi. Even my grandma can carry off the puisi better. Anyway.

The part where they read the doa, I confess, I also took the doa too. Hey, can't blame me, avid fan, ya know. Who doesn't want Siti to have a horrible wedding with that *coughcheekopekcough* of a man?

The whoswho of the whole Malaysia's practically crammed into the convention hall! Woah.

The majlis berinai part was accompanied by the gamelan music-which I noticed were the tune of the Pon.HSM. SCARY!



Anyway, I'm slacking in my studies. I need somebody to slap me back to the path.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

How stupid can you get? I mean, I received this e-mail prophetically titled "PLEEEAASSE, READ THIS! IT WAS IN THE PAPER!!!" Then it goes on to say what it's going to elaborate on is in the USA Today- so what? Having assurance from a US-based paper, which I doubt it exsists, is pure horse manure. Cheemanology tactics, to ensnare the naive heartlander about the stupid scam.

It goes on to say that Microsoft is GOING TO GIVE AWAY MONEY FOR EVERY EMAIL SPENT! Which fool in his right mind would give away money to every Tom, Dick or Harry who sends this pathetic e-mail? The author also brazenly uses Bill Gates' name. Reading this really piques me.

Must be some machiavellian way to scam people. How low can they get?

Idiots! The people who keep sending me chain mails must have been living in tortoise shells or in giant pineapples under the sea for the past 6 years or so.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ayez l'expérience un moment votre où les promesses n'ont pas été réalisées? Ce m'est juste arrivé aujourd'hui. J'étais vraiment furieux par le manque d'attitude et comment la personne pourrait toujours se comporter selon normal.

Comment cette personne peut-elle vivre avec la culpabilité ?

Le coeur de Cette Personne doit être froid.

Oui. C'est effectivement froid.

Vous me décevez, Pére.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yesterday was just plain shitty. We received our A Maths common test. I was very debonair on that day, after the test. With pure confidence, I thought I'd get 27 marks. Well that was pure horse manure. Anyways. Few days ago, I came back from school to find a COCKROACH, yes it's the PEST COCKROACH. The thing was upturned, and was on its' back, and it was wriggling. I wanted to skewer it with the pole but that was too disgusting-used the trusty ol' method-used my old old old shoe to kill that thing.

Boy, the sound was satisfying. The shoe was no doubt effective. Green and brown goo were on the floor. Erck!

Call me odious or rum, I feel confident after killing these things. The one thing that I won't dare chase after is the LIZARD. Simply disgusting.

This reminds me about today. The simply idiotic, irritating, pugnacious YEO YU QI is ruddy well afraid of a fly!! I tell you I'd love to take some mega-adhesive tape and stick it to his mouth. Along with Yuen Siang too. But I gotta admit, Yuen Siang's brain is bleeding excellent! Not the linguistics-the mathematics.

Back to the A Maths CT. Some people actually got 5. Gave me the heebie-jeebies. I swear. In all, I got 13. QR GOT 18!!!!!!!HOW THE HELL IS THAT??? So Miss Yong was like telling us to drop and all. What the hell.

I really need some serious tuition here people.

Today's PC lesson was great! Another one of Miss Yong's storytimes are very enjoyable. This she recalled stories while she was in Turkey. Turkey, has the friendliest service. Hm.. The stories were very intresting until Nasrul butted in. Simply ruined my mood. Superfluous, that chap. About the Male Chauvinistic Pig thingy, very intresting. Never met any chauvinist before.

I'll end here. Have yet to do up my uniform.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

OK. I am trying to blog regularly now, BUT only after nine pm. READ: NINE PM.

School today was as per usual. The one minute of fame, Malay PT was today! I wasn't as prepared as I thought as I was though, the declamation was crap. The powerpoint presentation was excellent!

Physics SPA was today. I wasn't trembling as bad as the chem one- I was as calm as the ocean. Actually I screwed the whole thing at first. SURPRISE! Our helpful Mr Azam came to my aid. Then I started to panic again when the 'e' did not even touch the normal. Took a gamble- 'Twas too late to turn back right then.

Anyway, how on earth do people stay fragrant the whole day? It's like they douse themselves with the whole perfume bottle! It's very frustrating!!

Did you catch Oprah today? Very intresting topic, today's show had. Especially Linda Ling's turn- her stint on the gangs thing was really intresting, but they were on National Geographic! That prisoner's words were like really cryptic. Gave me the heebie-jeebies. Anyway. The first part on the Oprah commenting on how she'd react if caught it the sinper fire was really hilarious!

I recommend watching Little Britain, Tuesday, 10-1030pm, Central. Also catch Front, Monday, 9.30-1000PM, Central. Kumar is sooooooo funny.

My eyes are getting heavy already. I'll stop here.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ok. I know its been AEONS since i last updated. Its not that I don't want to update, the idiotic computer just suddenly crashed down EACH AND EVERYTIME I WRITE AN ARTICLE!!!

Okay, I digress.

School has been so far, fun! Without the tests, that is.

Anyway. Went out yesterday, to TM, to get some notes and stuff. I was getting really lazy to write notes and stuff, so i wanted to get the notes at popular. I walked ardourously into the bookshop and....surprise!!! No geog or SS notes!!!

Oh well. Gotta write them.

Oh yeah, I also had STARBUCKS yesterday!!! I swear, the chocolate chip frap is getting more heavenly, I tell ya!

I'll stop here for now, if this works.